I Am Nuffnungers!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Halo Tribeca

Hello Vaperist,

Today i am going to review a bit about Tribeca from Halo e-liquid, first many thank to my forumers from Malaysia did this and sell this awesome liquid.

So here we go, the Tribeca from Halo is a hot lips talking mouth-to-mouth, enough said. This juice really remind me of Tab-Blended from various liquid i have purchase. But thank you Halo you're not so sweet and very subtle to its flavouring all i wanted to say is "WOW" and keep wow word infinity.

So my setup or rig is pretty simple, i am using a Smok Telescope and Mini Nova 2.0ml and setup about 2.4 (ohm) and the result is pretty awesome especially the "hit-throat". The first taste of this Halo Tribeca is that caramel sort of thing, which like a molasses. Which in a good way, pretty like an old school pipe or even import cigarettes i have try before i am vaping. The taste that i am pretty sure like Bison or maybe like West a bit kinda taste. But all Malaysian would say its really taste like "cendol" but this Halo Tribeca is not a cendol flavour that we been trough.

So i am giving this Halo - Tribeca a 4 star out of 5.

* I really recommend for those who love Halo, RY4-gens or TAB gens or even ex-smokers.
** I really recommend sip or even drink a cup of coffee when you vape this Halo, pretty amazing result on your throat in a good ways.
*** Don't over do it in front of your wifey or girlfriend because terribly they don't like the smells :P